Horses<br>For Sale
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❤️ Equine osteopathy, equine physiotherapy, acupuncture, TCM and much more.

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0341
190,00 €
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❤️ Equine osteopathy, equine physiotherapy, acupuncture, TCM and much more. - You finally want to know what is wrong with your horse? Clinically there is no clear diagnosis or the previous therapy did not achieve the desired effect?

Your horse behaves conspicuously, wears its tail crooked, does not like to give you hooves, reacts sensitively when grooming, canters worse on one hand, has tact errors, runs over speed, goes against your leg or the bit?

Your horse is injured, lame, suffers from coughing, mallenders, dysentery, laminitis or sweet itch?

We achieve this with equine osteopathy, equine physiotherapy and acupuncture for your horse:

✅ Strengthening and rebuilding of the musculature.
✅ Mobilization of the locomotor and supporting apparatus
✅ Care and support after injury or surgery
✅ Restoration of physical and mental balance
✅ lasting help with lameness, headshaking and pelvic obliquity
✅ immediate relief/resolution of pain conditions and trauma
✅ comprehensive, holistic diagnostics including all aspects, such as conformation, interior, feeding, husbandry, training, equipment and caregivers
✅ natural detoxification and strengthening of the immune system for metabolic problems, such as fecal water, mallenders, coughs, sweet itch, laminitis, EMS, PSSM and Cushing's disease
✅ gentle and gentle release of blockages at vertebrae and joints, such as at the sacroiliac, mandibular, bow joint or at cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal vertebrae

Causal research instead of symptom treatment

With osteopathy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and energetic healing work we treat injuries or diseases of sport and leisure horses holistically and effectively. We are often able to help horses where previous therapies have not had a lasting effect.

To help you and your horse move forward quickly, we come ( with two holistic equine therapists to visit you and your horse at your home stable.

We have been working full-time in horse therapy for 11 years and have the appropriate practical experience, so we can guarantee you an effective and lasting treatment for your horse.

Make an appointment now, because with holistic equine therapy we can help your horse get back on its feet quickly. To the seller's offerlaunch
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Reitgeist - Jutta & Denise Beckmann GbRFlag DEDenise Beckmann

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions

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