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❤️ Balance instead of fear when riding - Rider mentoring without horse

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions
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❤️ Balance instead of fear when riding - Rider mentoring without horse - Rider Mentoring with Denise Beckmann ( promotes your inner balance, uprightness and coordination so that riding does not become a balancing act for you.

Balance in the system

Rider mentoring helps you if any of the following questions apply:
✅ Do you lose your balance from time to time?
✅ Do you buckle at the hips when you ride?
✅ Would you like to be more physically and mentally fit?
✅ Galloping has become a nightmare for you?
✅ Do you find it hard to trust your sense of construction?
✅ Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with your horse?
✅ Being patient is a real challenge for you?
✅ Do you put more weight in one stirrup than the other?
✅ Do you get ignored or sometimes even knocked down by your horse?
✅ Have you developed fears in dealing with your horse or when riding?

How important is your inner balance for the horse?

Every rider should be balanced in the saddle so that they don't interfere with their horse's movement. Otherwise, the rider quickly becomes a burden and may even fall off the horse. With a lack of balance, in the best case scenario you will only have to deal with tension, stress or fear. But that was by far not all: Did you know that just unconsciously transmitted imbalances of the caregiver are often the cause of symptomatic skin diseases, long-lasting coughing or one-sided back tension in horses? Maybe you have been wondering for a long time that your horse is always crooked on the same side, even though it is treated regularly? Have you noticed that you have become more insecure or anxious, even though nothing bad has ever actually happened to you with a horse? Do you have a queasy feeling when driving a car or do you suffer from fear of flying?

This is what you can achieve in the Rider Mentoring:

✅ strengthen your presence
✅ dissolve anxiety
✅ find your inner balance
✅ increase your self-esteem
✅ straighten yourself from the inside out
✅ release blocking behavior patterns
✅ increase your physical and mental fitness
✅ alleviate physical pain and trauma
✅ improve your concentration and coordination skills
✅ develop a goal that is achievable with your available resources

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Reitgeist - Jutta & Denise Beckmann GbRFlag DEDenise Beckmann

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions

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