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Overweight, dull coat, brittle hooves?

37412 Herzberg am Harz, Germany directions
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Overweight, dull coat, brittle hooves? - Eight years ago my mare was overweight, had a dull coat and brittle hooves. 1 year later she was of normal weight, with a smooth, shiny coat and firm hooves.

When she started to put on weight, I took a close look at her feed and changed it. I completely questioned her training program and rebuilt it. Changed stables - from box stabling to open stabling. I asked my vet all sorts of questions because none of the measures I took really worked.

A burn-out that knocked me out had the positive side effect that my mare's weight gain stopped as if by magic.

My constant stress and the emotions such as anger, excessive demands, sadness, etc. that were permanently present with it were transferred to my mare. Out of compassion for me, she was also under constant stress.

When the horse's body is under constant stress, it constantly releases stress hormones. These influence how the food that our horses consume is utilized. Sunlight no longer absorbed enough minerals and vitamins and her body also chose the "strategy" of gaining weight (hoarding for bad times).

We resolved the emotions together and since then weight has never been an issue again - well, she was then round as a ball again, but that was because she was in foal with Starlight 🥰

If you are familiar with issues such as weight gain, weight loss, lack of shine in the coat, poor hoof horn quality, callousness, dullness, lack of concentration, etc. or if you ask yourself during some training sessions why things are hanging or sticking again, think about Sunlight and me. Perhaps the key lies in the area of energetics. Sometimes it's the things we can't see that open the door to the next level.

Always faithful,

Sunstar-Self-HealingFlag DESybille Baier

37412 Herzberg am Harz, Germany directions

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