Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
Stable &

Horse transportation and trailer rental

45897 Gelsenkirchen, Germany directions
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1,00 €
Horse transportation and trailer rental - According to legal regulations, national and international horse transports may only be carried out with an equine passport
A certificate of competence for animal transport and an EU license is available
Flexibility, punctuality and safety are our strengths
We make detours for the benefit of your horse in order to ensure the gentlest, most stress-free journey possible!
Friendly & competent advice from the inquiry to the transport - individual transport planning
Video surveillance in our vehicles
Our drivers and transportation companions have many years of experience with horses and are in possession of the necessary certificates of competence

24 hour clinic emergency service
Clinic service
Removal service
Horse purchase
Stud rides (weanling, mare with foal, stallion)
Training rides
Vacation service
Individual and group transportation
Loading training
Trade fair, show and racecourse service

From now on we also offer you the possibility to rent a Humbaur Equitos Alu trailer from us.
The trailer is without tack room with 100 license and is also suitable for large horses due to its low weight.

Here are some important features and descriptions of this trailer:

1. the horse trailer is made of robust material to withstand the demands of transportation. It is also equipped with a non-slip floor surface to keep the animals safe.

2. a maximum of 2 horses can be transported with the horse trailer.

3. the trailer has a large, easy-to-open tailgate and a side door that makes it easy for the horses to get in and out.

4. to provide the horses with comfort during transportation, there is good ventilation to ensure fresh air.

5. safety features such as partitions, horse restraints and special safety devices are provided to protect the animals during the journey.

6. equipped with additional features such as saddle and bridle holders, storage space for food and water, the horse trailer is the perfect means of transportation.
PayPal logo accepted.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

Ula PferdetransporteFlag DE

45897 Gelsenkirchen, Germany directions

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Last update: 2/20/2025
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