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2 Curly colts in special livery

33034 Brakel, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0355
people 2
6.500,00 €
Gender Stallion

Curly Horse

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Other charactics Straight from breeder
2 Curly colts in special livery - These two beautiful little men are looking for a new owner. Of course also possible individually.

Dack, in the beautiful special color: dun, evl.sogar Graufalbe, has so far blue eyes, guaranteed NO! mold!)

His final height will be around 1.53m.

He skillfully and uniquely combines noble Portuguese and stable American bloodlines. His foundation is correct from the beginning, his whole body is promising, his head is noble, just a dream. Also from the character a very lovable little guy.

The other one in the rare beautiful special color: Palomino.

His final height will be around 1.50m.

He shows a stronger build than Duck and a nice muscular butt from the beginning, quite the mama, he stands correct from the foundation, has ichtige Microlöckchen on the croup. A brave foal.

Both carry the Curly typical curly coat in addition to the special color, which is usually very well tolerated by people suffering from horse allergies.

Both parents and from Duck also the granny and older full sister can be visited.

Duck's sire, 1.53m (an American Bashkir Curly Horse), is the black horse. Nice stable bone structure but at the same time not clumsy, beautiful head, is ridden and driven, shows cooperative, has strong nerves, learns quickly and has a good honest character. He has tested negative for all hereditary diseases, also no pssm. Ducks momma 1.50m, is a gentle, very devoted to people, incredibly friendly, sensitive, loving mare.

The little Dack shows typical foal curiosity and carefully independently establishes contact with humans.
We encourage this, combined with the first tiny educational sessions. He stood on his feet very quickly after birth and also promptly found the udder.

The beautiful Palomino boy his father (American Bashkir Curly Horse) in Cremello is currently 1.46m, 4 years old and is currently being prepared to enter.

Until the delivery, the boys will know the foal ABC perfectly mastered and also be driven in the trailer.

They will be, as the mothers during pregnancy and suckling period, with high-quality natural minerals, individually adapted, are supplied. The hooves are regularly cut out professionally, regular worming and then intestinal composition, so everything that must stop to pave the way in a good long horse life.

Both should move out from December '23. But could also stay with us for species-appropriate stallion rearing with dad, uncle and brothers with expert care.

This is how the horses are kept with us:

Selbstverstöndlich in herd association, with young animals is always at least one adult animal. At least 2x daily we look after the animals. In winter they live with us in an open stable with a paved run, hay ad libitum, salt, concentrated feed and mineral feed as needed. In summer on different of our idyllic, partly mountainous pastures, electrically fenced, always with trees as sun protection, partly with natural brook or with water barrel. This way the inherited potential has the best possibility to be fully exploited, the animals lead a healthy life, are well-balanced and can develop optimally, which is important for the whole life especially in the growth phase.
By the way, Dacks grandma turned 30 this year and is still with us, I think that speaks for itself. We also like to show this sprightly old lady to our visitors. A competent TA clinic is at our side around the clock in case of emergencies.

Viewing possible and desired, gladly also several times. Price negotiations only personally and on site, discount for purchase of both, only in species-appropriate attitude. With a reservation fee can be reserved, starting from now, firmly. Payment in installments until delivery possible.

Bringing against reimbursement of travel costs possible.

Gladly we answer further questions&photos

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33034 Brakel, Germany directions

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Published: 7/25/2023
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