GeeGee is a very sweet 11.2 Welsh section A, she stands all day o be fussed, comes from a veterinary family so upto…
Flower is a super lead rein pony. Works off the lead but needs help with canter. Has been shown in hand a as lead…
Beautiful 11.2 black mare had a foal and been ridden by children, great showing horse and jumps everything, jacks…
Welsh A mare (with paper) born 09 chestnut approx. 120cm ridden and currently in driving training healthy, lovely,…
Our premium stallion Merywens Chewie was licensed in fall 2022. He then passed his stallion performance test in 2023…
Our 4-year-old Welsh A pony stallion is currently being broken in. He is very well behaved. The stallion is…
I am looking for a nice home for my pony mix. Taffy is 10 years old and is 115 cm tall. He has a passport, of…
Offer here a Welsh A Jählingshengst. As a foal awarded with a foal premium Sire: Leybuchts Future who achieved a…
Offer here a premium filly The foal ran at the Elite Championships and became Elite Foal Sire Leybuchts…
We are looking for a great home with a job for our pony mare through breeding surrender. She had 2 foals and went…
We give our promising filly - now soon one year old - only in the best foal-experienced, promoting hands. The…
Beautiful and very good pony, suitable for children, does not kick does not bite, just wants cuddles. Suitable for…
Super hübsch roh Fohlen abc rangniedrig
Flashy little welsh A Gelding Fully registered , 4 whites , moves for fun. Leads well , had his feet trimmed and…
I am selling my charming Welsh-A gelding with a heavy heart. Ice Age is ideal for leisure riding and brings a lot…
Our two Welsh A fillies from our own breeding are for sale. The foals have a complete pedigree, both parents can be…
Welsh A mare yearling!!! Very compatible with other ponies! Very nice to handle!!! Training level raw!!!
Lovely and sensitive broodmare!!! Very compatible with other ponies on pasture! Mare was born in 2018!
Verkauft wird eine Welsh A jählings Stute!!!!
Merywen's Chewie, by SHL Salvadors Camillo out of Merywen Tamina by Forlan Tomboy, this young stallion convinces…
Beautiful well-behaved Welsh A mare approx. 1.17 with Irish passport. Should be ridden. Unfortunately no riders…