I am selling my lovely 8 year old lewitzer mare Sunshine, who is a. Great horse with an insane character goes super…
lLively Lewitzer gelding urgently looking for a new home. He is totally underchallenged with me, he just wants to…
Moonlight Jack is a pinto horse, now moldy and super sweet to handle, but still has go when riding. He is only being…
Lewitzer filly in riding pony type standing, with well laid out movements. Premium foal with full paper from…
Top Lewitzer colt in Braunscheck. Has full papers from ZfdP and was awarded the foal premium (score:8,3). Judge's…
Unfortunately we have to part with our Nele for health reasons. She is now ready to be broken in by good hands.…
Our loving Stella is an absolute dream horse! Easy to ride, terrain safe, Verladefromm, gives good hooves, can be…
The foal is looking for a new owner she comes from the federal stallion OskarH she will reach a final size of 140 cm.
Due to absolute lack of time due to owner's illness, Apatsche is looking for a nice new home where he will get the…
Great Lewitzer yearling mare, was premium foal is purebred tested for the pinto gene and has besides quite a lot of…
On behalf! Unfortunately, we have to part with our picture book pony for financial reasons. The dream…